Simply use the shopping cart on this site and when you have everything you need or want, simply confirm order and a email will come through to our sales desk.
We will confirm your order by email or by telephone. Or if you have any questions please just phone us 027 337 2573 or e-mail:
Sales and shipping
- Sales and shipping are not available to locations outside of New Zealand.
- Freight is scaled for NZ locations - see during checkout.
- Additional freight charges may apply to oversize or heavy items.
Payment, Pricing & Promotions
- Only NZ dollars accepted
Growing Things accepts:
Credit Cards:
Visa and Mastercard online or if you prefer please phone with your card details and we can sort out your payment live as we speak!
Direct Debit:
To account:
NZ ASB 12 3159 0142848 00
Please use your order number to code payment.
Cheques are no longer accepted
As we love talking to our customers we are more than happy to process payments over the phone as well as answer any questions or talk about your garden.
Viewing Orders
If you open an account with Growing Things you can view all your orders and details on line.
Updating Account Information
Please do set up an account with Growing Things and update your details should any change.