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Create secure and sheltered growing conditions for stress-free plant growth.
Our Ascot cloches provide an ideal climate for faster growing and healthier plants. Being long lasting, ours can left in place and reused, year-after-year!
Protect your garden crops from hot sun, frost, heavy rain, hail, saturated soils, birds, and animals. Look no further than our cloche kit, which includes hoops, pins, clips with Mikroclima cloth or bird netting versions for your specific needs. Ascot cloche hoops: rustproof 5-6mm diameter galvanised steel rod form the frames.
No need to disassemble netting when weeding or harvesting
You can easily work from the end or the sides of our cloches without removing the cloth from the hoops. Just release end anchor pins, slide the clips up the hoop legs with cloth still attached. or lift and clip the covering to the top of hoop - so quick and easy!
Mikroclima protective cloth creates an ideal growing climate for faster, healthier plant growth and lush crops. It extends your growing season and your yield. It is a high-quality material that is permeable to water and air. This means you can water your plants without removing the cloth, and the cloth will keep out unwanted elements and pests, while allowing your plants to breathe. It protects from -2˚c frost, wind and hail, provides 16% shade, summer moisture loss from soil - ideal for NZ conditions.
Cloth and netting can be interchanged according to seasonal needs.
No need to take this cloth off during a hot day, if you choose. If exceptionally hot, slide cloth up a little on the side to get more air circulation, and close again at end of day. Alternatively, use bird netting in summer.
Walk away knowing the crops will be safe from pest damage
Our cloches can also be ordered with bee-friendly bird netting in black or white. Keep away small animals, birds, and insects like white-butterfly. Being knitted synthetic fabric it is strong and stretches well.
Kits with everything you need
Our cloche kit includes unique net clips that hold the cloth onto the hoops, ensuring a windproof and taut cloche. The cloche is also secured with our strong anchor locking pins at each end, making it even more secure and resistant to high winds. Side pins are provided too for holding down cloth or netting.
Sizes to suit most uses
We have sizes for low crops to tall plants and even bushy shrubs. The range covers 3-4m long beds with 350-1400m widths. The hoops can be squeezed in or stretched out to adjust width and height - allow for a height reduction of 100-200mm when hoops are pushed into soil.
To fit different spaces, our tall/narrow options are: Standard, Midi, Jumbo, and Mammoth. The Classic, Combi, and Giant are for lower situations. Our Giant cloche allows you to walk in without taking off the netting.
No tools required for assembly
The instructions supplied are simple; space out the hoops 1-1.2metres apart, push them into the soil and drape your preferred netting or cloth over them. Attach it to the hoops with the netting clips. Bundle and lock each end of the netting into our anchor pins to hold it taut. Use the short side pins to hold material on the group. Long pins are also included for use with planting boxes, etc.
Need parts something more flexible?
Try our Ascot Cloche Hoops. They same sizes as used in the kits and can be bought individually to create cloche tunnels of different lengths. They can be used all year round too for many other gardening tasks including cover for large flowering shrubs, for example. Also try the Ascot pins and clips.