Welcome to Growing Things

Online Shopping

Garden cloches, tunnels, Twistakes, Tomtwists, plant supports, fabrics, netting, mats, tools and supplies

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Showcase your roses

Use our quick and easy wound steel wire Twistakes, metal stakes and support rings. 

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Grow better vegetables

Use our high quality NZ made stakes, cloches, crop covers, containers and organic fertilizers to produce tasty and healthy vegetables all year round.

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Support your plants

Use our hoops and rings to hold your perennials and shrubs upright and looking their absolute best throughout every season

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Train your climbers

Create a stunning focal points in your garden with Ascot growing frames

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Growingthings oak tree leaves

Protect your young trees

Keep your trees protected and supported from wind, wild weather and birds with our tree guards, shelters and mats.

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Stake your tomatoes!

Use the Ascot Tomtwist wound steel wire stake and clips offering unmatched strength and flexibility.

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We manufacture Ascot wire products including: cloches, tunnels, plant supports, growing frames and tools for home and commercial gardens. We also supply a wide range of fabrics, mesh, mats and many other gardening items.

 Twistakes twisted wire garden stakeTomtwist twisted wire tomato stakes
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Growing Things is a family owned and operated business based in Timaru, New Zealand. For us, gardening is both a passion and a lifestyle!. All the products we supply are tested by us, to meet our high standards. They are easy to use, heavy duty, do the job well and represent value for money. Give us a call to discuss any questions you might have. 

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Protect your veges

choose from seven cloche kits for all needs

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Grow healthier vegetables faster and for longer with our cloches!

Our cloches create a warm, protected environment for your plants, resulting in:

  • Faster growth: Enjoy earlier harvests and more abundant yields.
  • Healthier plants: Shield your vegetables from pests and harsh weather.
  • Extended growing seasons: Grow your favorite vegetables even in cooler months.

Choose from seven sizes, ranging from 500mm to 1.5m high, with narrow and wide profiles to fit any garden bed.

Add protective cloth or bird netting cover as seasons demand.

